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I had the privelidge to work with Dr. Jessica Hua and our Disease Ecology lab at Binghamton University exploring the impacts of the arts on public science communication. As part of this research, I created art exhibitions on campus and surveyed volunteers on their scientific backgrounds and on the content of each exhibit before and after they attended. Below are the three art exhibits that I oversaw, one of which was co-created with Lily Garnaat.
My published research on this exhibition work can be found here.

This interactive art exhibition focused on the impacts of pesticides on the parasite-host relationship between wood frog tadpoles and the trematodes, which are flatworm parasites.
Exhibition Design
Tadpoles, Trematodes,
& Toxins: Oh My!
Where the
Wetlands End
Exhibition Design
This interactive art exhibition focused on the impacts of pesticides, road salts, and antibiotics on temperate wetland communities.
Unnatural Selection
Exhibition Design
This interactive art exhibition focused on the impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife and humans in the United States and abroad.
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